Chiropractors in Toms River
Bey Lea Chiropractic Health & Wellness Center
 Dr. Thomas Gray - Chiropractor    DC, DABCN, CCN
683 Bay Ave, Toms River, N.J. 08753
EMail                 732-244- 2225                                          MAP

Weight Loss and
   Fat Reduction

An active body is a healthy body, and a pain-free body is an active body.

With Nutritional Guidance, Routine Adjustments, to remove nerve interference that may be holding you back, and perhaps a little help from Contour Light Fat Reduction Light Therapy, you could be on your way to a new you. Along with proper Natural Supplements, if needed, you can look better, feel better, and live better.    

Let us help you on the road to a better you.

Ask Doc about it on your next office visit.


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Patient and Contour Light

Chiropractors in Toms River
Bey Lea Chiropractic
683 Bay Ave, Toms River, New Jersey