Chiropractors in Toms River
Bey Lea Chiropractic Health & Wellness Center
 Dr. Thomas Gray - Chiropractor    DC, DABCN, CCN
683 Bay Ave, Toms River, N.J. 08753
EMail                 732-244- 2225                                          MAP

The Human Body

The Human Body is a complex network made up of Ten Systems all working together in one master system that is controlled by the Brain and Nervous System.
Focusing primarily on the skeletal system, Chiropractors help clear nerve impingements caused by misaligned bones, thus keeping neural pathways clear.

Clear communication from the brain through the nervous system to the bodys organs is imperative to good health and the prevention of disease.

Chiropractors in Toms River
Bey Lea Chiropractic
683 Bay Ave, Toms River, New Jersey
